Chris Price

Does Chris like rugby as much as he likes Strongbow Dark Fruits?🤔 The debate continues

Q: How long have you been with the team?

A: 1 year

Q:How much rugby experience did you have before joining?

A: I was in my school team (15 years ago! 🙈) and hadn’t touched a rugby ball since.

Q: What were the major factors that pushed you to join the team?

A: My primary motivation was to meet like-minded LGBT people who had an interest in sport – something I had struggled with previously. I’d also recently moved back to the area, so I wanted to increase my circle of friends.

Q: Since you’ve become a Viking, what’s been your favourite memory/memories so far?

A: Being able to represent the Vikings at the Principality is undoubtedly my favourite memory (and we picked up two wins!)

Q: Can you give 3 pieces of advice to anyone on the fence about joining the Vikings or their local inclusive team?

A: I had spent a couple of years deliberating on whether to join – a decision I regretted instantly when I went along to my first session last summer. So what I’d say to you is: 1) Any fears or worries about not fitting in will go immediately – push yourself to come along to one session, even if it’s just to watch/observe.

(2) There are no expectations regarding rugby ability. Everyone is welcome, and there’ll be no judgment from anyone. Everyone is incredibly supportive and it’s a really fun and positive environment to be around.

(3) You’ll make some amazing friends! Wednesday evenings are my favourite time of the week.

Training this week at 6:45, Upper Killay 💛🖤


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