James Angel

ALSO one of the Vikings here since the beginning, the bellowing voice of jamesangel2708 can be heard across the pitch, and down the street🏉

Q: How long have you been with the team?

A: eight years

Q:How much rugby experience did you have before joining?

A: other than playing during PE lessons, none

Q: What were the major factors that pushed you to join the team?

A: many reasons but let’s say that it was out of my comfort zone and broaden my horizons.

Q: Since you’ve become a Viking, what’s been your favourite memory/memories so far?

A: I have many but the Bingham Cup in Amsterdam was great

Q: Can you give 3 pieces of advice to anyone on the fence about joining the Vikings or their local inclusive team?

A:Don’t really have three pieces of advice, but you never know what you are capable of until you try

Join us at training every Wednesday in Upper Killay at 6:45💛🖤


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